What can she do now?
- can sit by herself;
- understands what we say to her in Polish, English and sign language (including milk, bath and car-ride);
- points out things she wants to reach and/or have;
- reaches to us when we say "come to mommy/daddy";
- makes all kinds of noises, including "singing" when I sing to her and "calling" when she wants mommy or daddy to come;
- wants to eat with a spoon by herself;
- and the most recent one - she gives herself kisses when reading a book (a gift from Shari)with mirrors.
She's such a big girl.
Naszej najukochańszej wnusi z okazji ukończenia 7 miesięcy życzymy wszystkiego najlepszego, szcególnie DUŻO DOBREGO ZDRÓWKA!!
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Dziadkowie Ania i Romek
Fajne mamo!! :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a pretty girl you are! 7 months, WOW,...awesome ~SRH
ReplyDeleteJust thinking about you guys tonight as you get ready for a long day tomorrow and even longer day on Wednesday. Hoping and praying that this surgery goes as smoothly as the last!