

Monday, December 23, 2024

15 years later

Life brings surprises and makes a big circle. 

Since Abi's surgery 15 years ago, we have been visiting the local children's hospital each year during Christmas to donate gifts and words of encouragement. 

We recently learned that her surgeon, Dr. Kirshbom works at the same hospital we visit each year.

Even though we didn't manage to see him in person, we ended up talking to a friendly staff members and making a great connection. 

Merry Christmas! 🎁🎄 

Friday, December 6, 2019


This month marks 10 years since Abi's first OHS. We are so thankful for medication-free life she's able to live. 

Wishing Everyone a Happy Holiday Season!


Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Great Cardio Appointment

We had a really good cardio appointment yesterday.

EKG, echo, sound, everything came back great! Tricuspid valve seems to be leaking a little bit less than last year, baffles look great, no blood flow obstruction, no leaks on valves.

She got Holter monitor for 24 hours as they try to do every 2 years. Just took it off this morning and will be shipping it back to the clinic this afternoon, but I would not expect anything wrong to show up.

To another great year :-)

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

7 years old

No, it's not about the really good song by Lukas Graham, but it's about my little, not so little girl.

She *just* turned 7. Regarding her health, nothing has changed. She's still doing very well, nothing bothers her (except for her little sister and dad from time to time ;-)  ), keeps up with all her friends and is absolutely amazing.

She finished 1st grade and is about to start 2nd. Was on a swim team this summer and did very well, especially for a new swimmer and first time on a team.

And here perfect dive ;-)

She learned to drive a boat

Shoot her first rifle

Had fun ice skating

It's been an incredible year so far, fully of great accomplishments for her and her sister. She's growing so fast, has a sweet and beautiful heart, is compassionate, caring and loving. It is very easy to forget her heart is still so complex.

Another cardio visit is approaching fast, in the next couple of weeks. This is the time when we remember and the anxiety goes up.

I'm looking forward to another great cardio report though.

Hugs to you all,


Monday, August 10, 2015

Another cardio visit another great report

This morning we had another cardiologist checkup. Both of our girls did great at the doctors office. Abigail was not stressed she had a really good time and all the results of EKG and echo came out great.
We had a really good chat with Dr Ohmstede about Abigail's current state and her future. I am really hopeful and keep praying that things will continue as they are and if so, she may not need anything and have no issues for a very very long time if ever. We are really blessed by how she is doing, how her heart is growing and there are no negative changes regarding the last defect, namely Ebsteinoid tricuspid valve and mild regurgitation.
Here are some pics from today's visit

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Last year review

Last 12 months were really busy and a lot good has happened.
After celebrating Abi's 5th birthday with multiple parties both at home and at her grandparents' in Poland, Abi started Kindergarten.
I am amazed at how much she has learned within the first couple of months and continued to practice for the remaining on the school year.
She can count, read, write, does additions to 200. Just crazy! And all of this before she turned 6.
Her cardiologist appointment went very well and no changes have been recorded so she keeps on going strong with the meds and no limitations.
In the winter we signed her up for swimming lessons and she really enjoyed it making a great progress. In the summer she did a great self awareness and self defense training for children called radKids with Carolina Self Defense.
In the very early spring her grandparents came to visit and celebrate her 6th birthday with us early.
In couple of weeks Abi's going to 1st grade. Her pediatric well check went great a her cardio appointment is in 2 days.
Our Facebook CCTGA (LTGA) Group is growing, meaning there are more people and families getting so needed support and information.
If you're here, on this blog, because you just found out that your baby has LTGA (ccTGA) and you're searching for information, want to learn about this defect and need support please find us on Facebook.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

5th Birthday - or Birthdays ?

Five. There must be somthing magical about this number. I wish I remembered when I turned 5. Months before turning 5, Abi was psyched about her 5th birthday and being 5. No matter whether asked or not she kept telling everyone she was just about to be 5 years old.

So, since it seemed so important to her, we chose to jump on the same wagon with her and, yes, celebrate all month long. We took the girls to see the family in Europe and this was a great start to the month long celebration.

There were 2 birthday parties thrown for her in Poland and then another one when we got back home. The last weekend of July, or rather the last week and first weekend of August she got her last birthday present and it was spending all day at Carowinds with mom, dad and her friend. It was her first time at such a great amusement park and, to my surprise, she was unstoppable and fearless. She rode all the rides, all roller coasters she was allowed on (even those she barely made the hight requirements for). She had a blast and we all had a great time!

Here are some pictures starting with the pictures of the first birthday party.

First 5th Birthday party (no more picture at the moment of writing this post, still sitting on the camer).

It was a fun birthday party thrown by her grandparents at a children's place. Bouncy houses, outdoors playground, games etc.

And the most important, a Barbie princess cake :-)

A week later, the other grandparents threw the 2nd 5th birthday party. This one had family and cousins over and ended with sending 2 big lanterns up in to the skies :-)

One week after getting home, there was the 3rd 5th birthday party at Sugar Pop's, back home

And here are some picture from the trip to Carowinds. Oh what a blast she had. I'm truly amazed seeing how brave this little girl is


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